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Let's Talk About the "D" Word

Okay, you are intrigued by what on earth I am talking about. Good, now that I have your attention I can tell you. The word in which I am talking about is "Discipline" I know I know I said that horrid word. Well, I am here to tell you in my world that is not a bad word. I don't understand why parents today are choosing not to fully discipline their children. I am not saying they don't but seriously how far are you going to get with them when you just keep saying 'Now don't do that' or ' Mommy said No' and you just keep repeating it and you keep seeing the same things happen. Albert Einstein once said that

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results"

I’m sorry mom and dad but raising your child without proper discipline is only hurting them more than anything. They are going to grow up thinking that no matter what they will do they can always get away with it because mommy and daddy never told them no and really meant it. I am sorry but the children of today are so far gone from the generation I grew up with and even out grandparents and parents grew up in. We are raising a society of children that have an ‘entitled’ attitude and honestly it is disgusting.

Society has made parents think that if you discipline your child you will destroy their self-esteem and crush their spirit. Oh come one! Seriously, have any of us turned out this way? I know that I haven’t. Come on people, start saying ‘NO’ to your kids and mean it, the worst thing is the lack of consistency that happens when it comes to that.

Now I know that I am very guilty of this and that is why I am warning you not to do it. I am now following through and I can see a change in my child. But I also follow what the bible tells us about in the book of Proverbs. It tells us that not spanking out child with spoil them, and I can tell you when I am in the local store in a restaurant that I can tell you who spoils their kids. I know that you do to.

I feel if we stop worrying about their feelings and start raising them to be respectful of authority and to no that they are not entitled, then there will be a lot less issues when they are released into the world to become part of society. Listen, I am not saying to beat them I am saying let them know that you mean no and that a spanking will follow.

It will not hurt them one bit. They will grow up to thank you for helping them to understand they have to earn what they want and that they will not only respect you they will also respect those out in the world. So don’t think you are crushing their spirit you are strengthening it. So parents lets rise up and stop making the word discipline be considered taboo and in the naughty word list. Lets love our kids and show them that we only want them to be the best they can be.

-God Bless


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