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Beth Moore's Daniel

Okay so, I have been doing a Beth Moore bible study called Daniel and I must say it is jammed packed with information! I am 8 weeks in and I must say I have a whole new respect for those that study the end times and the rature. It is just so much to take in, and how this Old Testament verse goes with this New Testament verse. I must say I am getting a little confused. But I am pushing through it, I did learn about some lions den information that I didn't know from before. So that is really interesting. So if you are a lover of Beth Moore studies and even more so of end times this is the Bible study for you then! Just thought I would share a little sinpit into what has been up with me! So if you are intersted you can click the picture and it will take you to a link where you can find it to purchase!

God Bless


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