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Listen Up Parents!

Okay parents out there in blog world, I am going to talk to you for a few minutes. So I did a periscope yesterday and thought that I would elaborate on it here for a few minutes. My husband and I were leaving Papa John’s and we saw a girl not much older than high school age and she had on a shirt that shocked me to the core. It read the following ‘the dirtier it gets the hotter it gets’ I could not believe that she was wearing that, let alone in public. The first thing that came to my mind was just upset with her; it was being upset with her parents for letting her out in said shirt. Yes some of you may say well she is almost an adult. I am sorry but most high school students are still living at home.

I am sorry to say this but parents are oblivious as to what their kids are doing anymore. They are running amuck around town, or they are wearing dare I say it ‘slutty’ clothes, having so respect for any type of authority, and you are quick to say well they are teenagers they are just expressing themselves! WAKE UP! What they are expressing is not creativity, its saying look at me I am rebel, or look at me I am easy. I’m sorry this is not right.

These kids are in my opinion too obsessed with the shock and awe, they are crying out to be paid attention to but the attention they are getting is not what they need. They need us parents to take more effort into what they are interested in, in what is going on in their lives. Not us being worried about what is going on in only our own. They are crying out with loud voices ‘Please look at me!’ but we are looking but not seeing them.

Parents these kids are hurting, they are in pain, and you are just passing them by. I am almost willing to promise that if you took more control in paid more attention to them that behavior would change drastically. Put down the phones, turn off the TV and talk to them, listen to what they have to say! Stop letting the pressures of society influence who they are, you be the influence to them. Don’t let Miley and Britney be who they strive to be, they too are hurting and lashing out in a way so upsetting yet these kids don’t see it, they only see it as cool.

Raise your kids up right in the way they should go and they will not depart from it, take a moment to teach them yourselves and not let the world teach them. Because if you don’t you are going to be crying ‘why did this happen to them. Why is little Annie pregnant at 15? Why is little Jason beating kids up and keeps getting arrested’ Stop and look and ask yourselves did I do all I could to teach them right from wrong, did I pay attention to them when they wanted to talk, if the answer is no then I am sorry you only have yourself to blame.

This got a little heavy I know I would like to say sorry but I can’t because this is true, and this is what is wrong with society today, so pay attention before it is too late.

God Bless and I am Praying for You


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