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Embrace The Gloomy

So today as I was standing outside waiting for my daughter to get on the bus for school, I stopped to look around and it was rainy and dark and just a gloomy day. I then started thinking about how even in the midst of all this gloominess, I saw the grass look a little greener and the flowers that haven't bloomed yet decided to make a grand appearance into the world to radiate the gloominess with beauty. I it made me think, how in this life there is gloomy everywhere no matter where you look its in life or on the news it’s just everywhere. Even though its there, there is something that makes it tolerable and then beautiful and that is Jesus. You in the middle of everything wrong and evil and horrible there is always one thing that remains pure and good, and that is the power of Jesus Christ. You see, he knows things get bad and sometimes there just doesn’t seem like a way out, that the rain in pouring down around you is never going to stop. Here is the best thing, eventually the rain does stop, because God promised that he would never destroy the world again and that means you, so when you see the rain dance in it embrace it because it isn’t going to last. That there will be the radiance that will shine through and make that quick rainstorm in your life beautiful!


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